Satchel Paige’s Rules

Satchel Paige’s Rules

In honor of Satchel Paige’s 108th-ish birthday today. Here are his famous RULES FOR STAYING YOUNG as presented in his autobiography Maybe I’ll Pitch Forever. 1. Avoid fried meats which angry up the blood. 2. If you stomach disputes you, lie down and pacify it with cool thoughts. 3. Keep the juices flowing by jangling around gently…

Tony Gwynn 1960-2014

Tony Gwynn 1960-2014

Yesterday was a sad day for baseball. We lost a great player and an even better man. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the entire Gwynn family, especially Phillies outfielder Tony Gwynn Jr. The internet has exploded with great Tony Gwynn stories and stats… however nothing comes close to what our friend Keith Olbermann…